Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System: A Comprehensive Review

Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System: A Comprehensive Review

As an RV owner, you want to make sure that your vehicle is safe and secure on the road. One of the key components of this is having a reliable braking system that can safely handle the weight of your RV and towed vehicle.. This is where the Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System comes into play.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System and discuss its features, benefits, and drawbacks. We will also explore some frequently asked questions about this product.

Features of the Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System:

The Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System is a state-of-the-art braking system that is designed to provide reliable and safe braking for RVs. Here are some of its key features:

Proportional Braking: The AFO Supplemental Braking System is designed to provide proportional braking, which means that the brakes are applied to the towed vehicle in proportion to the amount of pressure applied to the brake pedal in the tow vehicle. This ensures smooth and consistent braking.

Vacuum-Assisted: This braking system provides a vacuum-assist, which means that it provides vacuum to the towed vehicle's brake booster, allowing the brake system to operate with power-added brakes, as the manufacturer intended. This helps to reduce wear and tear on the RV's brakes and improves overall safety.

Easy to Install: The AFO Supplemental Braking System is designed to be easy to install and can be done in just a few hours. It does not require any modifications to the RV's braking system and can be installed on most RVs that have an air brake system. It is not intended for RV’s that have hydraulic brake systems.

Low Profile Design: This braking system has a low profile design that minimizes the amount of space it takes up in the towed vehicles engine compartment. This helps to ensure that there is plenty of room for other components and makes it easier to install.

Benefits of the Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System:

Improved Safety: The AFO Supplemental Braking System is designed to improve overall safety by providing reliable and consistent braking power. This helps to reduce the risk of accidents and ensures that you and your passengers are safe on the road.

Reduced Wear and Tear: This braking system helps to reduce wear and tear on the RV's brakes by providing additional braking power. This helps to extend the life of the brakes and reduce maintenance costs.

Low Profile Design: The low profile design of this braking system helps to ensure that there is plenty of room in the towed vehicle's engine compartment for other components. This makes it easier to install and minimizes the risk of interference with other systems.

Reasons to choose the Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System:

Simplicity: Once the AFO Supplemental Braking System is installed, there is no box to remove or reinstall everytime you tow. It requires only one small coil hose to connect while hooking up to tow.

Reliability: There are very few components that can fail. The AFO Supplemental Braking System uses air provided from the RV to create the vacuum and operate the brakes instead of a separate compressor. This makes the system extremely simple and reliable.

Drawbacks of the Air Force One (AFO) Supplemental Braking System:

Price: The AFO Supplemental Braking System is a bit more expensive than some of the other braking systems on the market. However, the added safety and convenience that it provides may be worth the investment.

Limited Applications: The system is only designed for RV’s that use air brakes and cannot be used on hydraulic type brake systems.

Professional Installation Recommended: While this braking system is designed to be easy to install, it does require some mechanical expertise. If you are not comfortable working on your RV's braking system, you may need to hire a professional to install it for you.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a reliable and efficient supplemental braking system for your RV, look no further than One Source RV. With a wide selection of top-quality products and expert guidance from their knowledgeable team, you can find the perfect solution to meet your specific needs. Don't hesitate to click here and start exploring their range of options today. Trust us, your RV (and your safety) will thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can the AFO Supplemental Braking System be used on diesel RVs?

A: Yes, this braking system can be used on diesel RVs.

Q: Is this braking system compatible with all tow vehicles?

A: No, this system is not compatible with RV’s that have hydraulic braking systems

Q: Do I have to tap into the air brake system on my RV to install the AFO?

A: Yes. There is an air valve that will need to be installed into the RV’s existing air brake system. Great care must be taken to properly install the system and check for leaks.


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